Category archives: active
- Hey, there!
Don't let the end of summer vacation get you down!
There are plenty of ways - fun, fresh ways! - to relive those summer adventures again and again. Here are some stylish was that keep those summer days (and adventures!) fresh in your memory, no matter how busy your fall days get.
How to org you[...]
- It was Imogen Cunningham who once said,
“The thing that’s fascinating
about portraiture
is that nobody is alike.”
When I first stumbled across these words while working on another project, I thought nothing of them. Then, as time went on, her words had a way of sticking with me. They came to mind every[...]
- Sunday is definitely a funday, and I hope you are out enjoying the sunshine, spending time with a good book, catching up with a good friend, or simply chillaxing and living your very best life. I know that the days can often feel like it’s its own merry-go-round, and I remind myself to build in some breaks.
I w[...]
- When I was first married, my British husband had asked me if we needed a reminder as to when Mother's Day in the US was. At first, I was a little surprised by the question because being a former first grade teacher, I've basically got the timeline of our major holidays in the US down pat.
"Mother's Day in the US is[...]
- Hello, March! I know it's been quiet over here as we've been busy photographing the sweetest of people and the events they are celebrating.
Take for example, this couple highlighted in our video. Len and Doris recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. You read that correctly - 7. 0. Wedding Anniversary.[...]
- Hello, my peeps! How are you? It's November, and from what I gather in my conversations with people, this month holds some mixed feelings for people. Some of you love it for fall, football, and family gatherings at Thanksgiving. Others of you find the month a bit quieter with thoughts of hibernation as the month he[...]
I love to celebrate birthdays. They're a milestone like any other, and also so personal at the same time. Through my years of teaching, photographing, working, living, laughing, hugging, and just being, I know that each person brings a unique set of talents, strengths, and fantastic ideas that can only be contrib[...]
- What does one girl need in a portrait session? Her family to join in the fun!
I love when siblings join in a portrait session for so many reasons, especially when it comes to First Communion portraits.
This milestone event is a very special day, and having your brother or your sister with you to join in the [...]
- I grew up with cousins, and I am talking, LOTS of cousins! It was only when I was older that I realized we are all second- and third- and cousins of cousins. We all got together over various seasons and holidays, and our social life as a large Italian family pretty much revolved around this. I thought everyone's fam[...]
- Who is Henri Cartier-Bresson, you ask?
He was a French photographer whose spontaneous photographs helped establish photojournalism as an art form. He was one of the founding members of Magnum Photos, which offered global coverage to periodicals by some of the most talented photojournalists of the time. Also, t[...]
- 'Tis the season of summer, swimming, and snapshots,
watermelon, water balloons, and water-resistant cameras
My favorite part of summer, though, is hearing people's stories. Maybe it's where they've been or where they are planning to go.
Sometimes, it's heari[...]
- Ah, July!
When the conversation turns to summertime and the month of July, the topics we discuss are:
*What are we doing for the 4th of July?
*What are we doing to stay cool?
*What are we grilling?
We love a good old fashioned cookout at our house on this holiday, whether it's just the two of us or it en[...]