Why New Year’s Cards are a good idea…
After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I was so thrilled to get this New Year’s card from a dear high school friend. Who doesn’t love Happy New Year wishes? Her family looks so happy in this photo, and even my husband commented when he came home and ran across the card hanging on our fridge.
How cute are they?! Super cute.
Although this article from The Huffington Post is a couple of years old, the advice in it is timeless. (You can read the full article here.)
“3 Reasons To Skip the Season’s Greetings and Send A New Year’s Card Instead” holds sage advice from Peggy Post of The Emily Post Institute, starting with #1: December is a chaotic month.
No matter how organized you are, December can feel really chaotic with so much going on!
By sending out New Year’s cards¸ you are relieved of one of the tasks during the days and weeks leading up to the holidays and you still accomplish the goal of reaching out to your peeps with good wishes.
Hurrah for the arrival of new year’s cards lighting up these dark winter days!