21 Things to do in 2021 – Part III

In this new month of the year, we are looking at new beginnings and fabulous you.  Have you made your list of 21 Things to do in 2021?  Here are 7 more ideas for inspiration.  January is also International Creativity Month.  How creative will you be?

#15 Write a thank you note.

As we move into this year following our curiosity, I also encourage you to write a thank you note to someone.  To celebrate National Handwriting Day on January 23rd, make sure to handwrite your note!  Did you know that writing (and drawing) by hand increases creativity because we are forced to slow down, consider the bigger picture, and come up with creative ideas.  All that just by writing a thank you note!  Oh, and the recipient of your note?  They will stand a little straighter, smile a bigger smile, and feel seen by your thoughtful note.

Barbara Bell Photography near Chapel Hill, NC believes in creating photographs to celebrate your milestone moments.

#16 Seek inspiration for your curiosity.

You probably know that January is National Get Organized Month, and if you are finding it hard to get started on your own home projects, it’s the perfect time to see how the pros get organized. I recently discovered Diane Henkler’s blog “In My Own Style,” and I went down the most fantastic rabbit hole seeing how this creative mind works out her projects.  Pour yourself a cup of tea and get comfortable.  Reading about how other people get organized can be a mini artist date for your soul.

#17 Experiment with something completely out of your comfort zone.

If we’re following our curiosity this year, consider what sounds fun.  Seriously, what have you always wanted to try?  What would you experiment with if you could try anything?

#18 Take your self-portrait.

Not just a selfie, but can you show off who you are in your self portrait? Photographer Vivian Maier did this, as well as Man Ray. Taking your own self portrait will make you a better photographer because it teaches you how to be patient, empathetic, and – believe it or not – more confident.  The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more confident you will become.  If you’re feeling brave, tag us on Instagram with your favorite self portrait.  I’ll send you mine, as well.

Barbara Bell of Barbara Bell Photography takes her own self-portrait near Chapel Hill, NC/

#19 Write down 20 reasons why you are fabulous.

Self-love is the highest form of love.  If this feels challenging, ask the people you are close to what they love about you. Why not have them contribute to your list?  (This counts toward #14, as well. Ask for help!)

#20 Hire a photographer, and get your family’s photo updated… just because.

You deserve great images of yourself without needing a reason, and we all need fabulous photos of ourselves from year to year.  We get to see ourselves – really see ourselves – when we have our photos taken.

Barbara Bell Photography near Hillsborough, NC captured three generations of this family.

#21 Watch a sunset, sunrise or both.

Find a spot with a good view and settle down with a friend or loved one and enjoy.

Barbara Bell Photography near Chapel Hill, NC books sunrise and sunset sessions to meet your family's schedule.


What will you do in this coming year for you?  For your curiosity?  I can’t wait to hear!


Barbara Bell Photography creates heirloom photographs to inspire families to share their memories near Chapel Hill, NC.